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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Do you suffer from The Disease to Please?

Author Harriet Braiker, in her book The Disease to Please, [shares my] conclusion that people pleasing is actually a form of addiction... She identifies four characteristic symptoms of Pleasers, and I identified with all of them: (1) a tendency to take criticism personally, (2) a constant fear of rejection from those around them, (3) difficulty in expressing their true feelings, and (4) reluctance to say no even when it's clear they should. Any of these sound familiar to you? ...
To grow out of this dangerous disease, we've got to understand that people pleasing is more of a spiritual problem than a relational problem. Though most people would try to accept the need to please others as a normal part of life, we have to embrace that people pleasing is a form of idolatry. We have to be weird enough not to care what people think of who we are and how we live. Living for others' opinions is putting people ahead of God...
Are you afraid of what people will think if you don't go with the flow? Do you find yourself doing things you know you shouldn't because you want to be popular, liked, or approved? Do you feel the pressure to conform to a certain lifestyle, image, or role when you're around certain people you admire? There's only one solution to this problem, one antidote to the poison of pleasing. The fear of God is the only cure for the fear of people...
Think of it this way. If you ride the biggest roller coaster in the world, the kids’ ride at the county fair won't scare you. If you live through a hurricane and a tornado, a spring rain won't intimidate you. And when you truly know the God of the universe, people's opinions will no longer hold you hostage.
-Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working, by Craig Groeschel
Q: How can we know the difference between the desire to serve and the need for approval? Join the discussion on Facebook
Learn more about Weird

(Source: Zondervan Daily Inspiration, citing Craig Groeschel's Weired).

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